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Get Your Mortgage Loan Originator License in 2021!


Maine Pre-Licensing Education

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Obtaining a mortgage license and becoming a mortgage loan originator involves a simple process in which you will need to complete your state-specific education requirements and take and pass a National exam. Once these two steps have been completed, you're well on your way to becoming a licensed Loan Originator!


How to Get Your Mortgage License in Maine

Follow these six steps to get your mortgage license in Maine:



Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Obtain Your NMLS Account and ID Number


Take Required Pre-License Classes


Pass Your NMLS Licensing Exam


Your NMLS online account is your hub for your entire licensing process. Set it up on the NMLS website.


You’ll need 20 hours of NMLS-approved instruction before you can apply for your Maine mortgage license and take your exam.


You’ve passed your classes. You understand mortgage lending now. Schedule your NMLS exam. and get ready to ace it.


Step 4


Step 5


Step 6


Pay for Background Screening


Apply for a Maine MLO License


Link Your Office to Your NMLS Account


Pay for your fingerprinting and background checks. We explain more about the screening process here.


You’ve passed your exam? Of course you have! Compile all your documentation from the steps above, and apply for your license.



As soon as you have a job, add your employer sponsorship to your NMLS online account. That will bump your license out of “pending” status to “active.”


Getting Your Mortgage License in Maine

The requirements for earning your license can be daunting, so you need to be determined. Assume you are going to succeed, find your sources of motivation, and hold onto the vision of serving home buyers in your community. 


Your mortgage license in Maine will open a dynamic career for you. One day you’ll be helping a young couple buy their first modest home, another you’ll be financing a mansion. You’ll serve fast-food workers, politicians, pastors, and many others. 


Plus, Mortgage Educators is experienced in helping people like you become an MLO in Maine. We’ll take you through each section of the license education materials until you have your dream career.

Maine Mortgage License Education Requirements

Are you interested in the classes you’re going to take? If you get curious about them beforehand, your mind will be more likely to retain the information. You’ll study: 


  • National mortgage laws (3 hours)
  • Ethical behavior, relating to fair lending, fraud, and consumer protection (3 hours)
  • Lesser-known types of mortgages (2 hours)
  • Elective subjects (12 hours)


Our adult education specialists are experienced at presenting these subjects, so they’re simple to understand. We’re focused on helping you ace your test and get your license fast. 

What's the Difference Between a Maine Mortgage Broker License and a Maine Loan Officer License?

Make sure you’re not pursuing a mortgage broker license. That’s the license that an employer gets for a whole office. You’ll need to go through the requirements for a Maine MLO (mortgage loan originator). You’ll be an individual producer working under a mortgage broker.

Cost of Getting Your Mortgage License in Maine

Every valuable thing in life is worth the price, including your Maine mortgage license. The fees include: 


  • $30: NMLS Initial Processing Fee
  • $20: ME Application Fee
  • $15: Credit Report
  • $36.25: FBI Criminal Background Check


PE Expiration Policy in Maine

There is a national policy that covers the expiration of your pre-license education. In other words, if you don’t use your mortgage classes, you lose them after three years and have to re-take them before you can apply for your license or renew it. However, the PE expiration policy hasn’t been enacted in Maine yet.


Maine Continuing Education Requirements

You’re a professional now, so Maine expects you to renew your license annually. You’ll take a few classes every summer or fall: 

  • National mortgage laws (3 hours)
  • Ethical behavior (3 hours)
  • Lesser-known mortgages (2 hours)
  • Elective subjects (1 hour)


Get your completed renewal application in before December 31 each year, along with a $20 renewal fee. Check your NMLS account to make sure you’re still authorized to do business after New Year’s.

Start Your Maine Mortgage License Education

Mortgage Educators is your partner in this process. We’ll get you up to speed on the laws and concepts you need. Get your first license education and jump into your dream career with Mortgage Educators.



Additional Questions?

Mortgage Educators and Compliance is here to answer any additional questions that you may have in regards to your Maine mortgage license. For additional questions, feel free to call us at (801) 676-2520 or email us at [email protected].






Maine Mortgage Education Pre-Licensing