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NMLS 20 Hour SAFE Comprehensive Online Pre-Recorded New License Course + Test Prep - Loan Factory Referral

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Online Instructor-Led course, available 24/7 during your selected track times.
NMLS 20 Hour SAFE Comprehensive Pre-licensure Course Bundle with National Test Prep. (Add Ultimate Test Prep for additional test prep and Reimbursement Guarantee) - $185
Any state add-ons sold at $16 per credit hour
NMLS courses are not supported to work properly on mobile devices.
Select Track (Days to Complete Course)
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Test Prep Add On

Important Product Information - Please Review Thoroughly


Scheduling the Course Track:

20 Hour Course Image

The course will appear in your account on the selected day and must be completed according to the course schedule, depending on the selected track. This is an NMLS requirement for all approved MLO courses.


Expedited 3-Day Course Schedule (Access period starts at 9 AM on Tuesday or Saturday):

Day 1  - Complete chapters 1-3, including 1 graded homework assignments (approx. 9 hours of course time)

Day 2 - Complete chapters 4-6, including 3 graded homework assignments (approx. 10.5 hours of course time)

Day 3 - Complete the course final exam (approx. 30 minutes of course time)


Accelerated 5-Day Course Schedule (Access period starts at 9 AM on Monday or Friday):

Day 1 through Day 2 - Complete chapters 1-3, including 2 graded homework assignments (approx. 9 hours of course time)

Day 3 through Day 4 - Complete chapters 4-6, including 3 graded homework assignments (approx. 10.5 hours of course time)

Day 5 - Complete the course final exam (approx. 30 minutes of course time)


Weekend-Friendly 10-Day Course Schedule (Access period starts at 9 AM on Friday):

Day 1 through Day 2 - Complete chapters 1-2, including 1 graded homework assignment (approx. 6 hours of course time)

Day 2 through Day 6 - Complete chapters 3-4, including 2 graded homework assignments (approx. 6.5 hours of course time)

Day 7 through Day 9 - Complete chapters 5-6, including 2 graded homework assignments (approx. 7 hours of course time)

Day 9 through Day 10 - Complete the course final exam (approx. 30 minutes of course time)


Extended 14-Day Course Schedule (Access period starts at 9 AM on Monday or Wednesday):

Day 1 through Day 2 - Complete chapter 1, including 1 graded homework assignment (approx. 3 hours of course time)

Day 3 through Day 4 - Complete chapter 2 (approx. 3 hours of course time)

Day 5 through Day 6 - Complete chapter 3, including 1 graded homework assignment (approx. 3 hours of course time)

Day 7 through Day 8 - Complete chapter 4, including 1 graded homework assignment (approx. 3 hours of course time)

Day 9 through Day 10 - Complete chapter 5, including 1 graded homework assignment (approx. 4 hours of course time)

Day 11 through Day 12 - Complete chapter 6 (approx. 3 hours of course time)

Day 13 - Complete the final graded homework assignment (approx. 30 minutes of course time)

Day 14 - Complete the course final exam (approx. 30 minutes of course time)


It is expected that you are able to complete the course according to your selected track. If you are unable to complete the course in accordance with the required schedule, you will be required to restart the class and pay a $75 reload fee. 


Postponed Future Start Date:

This option will allow you to purchase the course before scheduling a course track. To schedule your course, email [email protected] or call 877-403-1428 during business hours with your desired track, and we will schedule your course accordingly.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are unable to complete the course within the specified time, you will need to restart the course and pay a $75 reload fee. 


Adding State Electives to purchase

Add Additional State Electives from the "Select State" Drop Down Menu. CLICK HERE TO SEE IF YOUR STATE HAS ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. Your state elective will be automatically loaded into your account after purchase.


INCLUDED: NMLS National SAFE Standard Test Prep Course

To help prepare you to successfully pass the NMLS National Exam with Uniform State Content, Mortgage Educators & Compliance has developed and created this online test prep course to help you score your best on the test! With first-time test takers only passing about 60% of the time, it is imperative that you have the best study materials available to you, and our test prep is top of the class! 


  • Over 300 sample questions
  • Downloadable study documents
  • Topic specific quizzes
  • 3 Hours of Additional video content


You will have access to the Standard Test Prep course for 6 months. Another 6 month extension can be granted upon request. We recommend that you study for the exam for at least 20 hours, in addition to the 20 hour pre-license course. 


Make sure to add our new ULTIMATE TEST PREP PACKAGE in the drop down menu above, which includes our more extensive study course with more than 1500 practice questions, over 6 hours of additional video instruction, and our new mobile app MEC Pass+! Only $149.98 - $105. This package also include our Test Reimbursement Guarantee! If you fail the national exam on your first try we will reimburse you $110 to cover the testing fee, as long as you meet the requirements as laid out in the product description here: ADD the TEST PREP ULTIMATE PACKAGE


Course Credit Submission to the NMLS

The NMLS requires that education providers report education credit hours within 7 calendar days of course completion. Mortgage Educators & Compliance aims to report your online education credits faster than the 7 day window.


Course Information

This course meets the required 20 hours of NMLS-approved pre-license education needed to obtain a Mortgage Loan Originator license. It contains 3 hours of Federal Law, 3 hours of ethics, 2 hours of non-traditional mortgage lending, plus 12 hours of undefined electives. 


It is presented in an online instructor-led video course with supplementary literature and content. The course is made up of 6 chapters broken into 5 minute sections that require clicking to advance to the next video and includes a handful of small quizzes. After completing the introduction to the course, each section will start with an average duration of 5 minutes per section. Each 5 minute section will be followed by an activity. These activities can be either short quizzes or case studies focusing on certain concepts. There are also 5 short-response homework assignments that will be turned in to the instructor for a grade.


At the end of each chapter, there is a chapter quiz, with an End of Course Assessment at the end of the course. Students must complete all videos, quizzes, assignments, and the End of Course Assessment in order to receive credit for the course. After completing the course, students will receive a certificate of completion and their hours will be submitted to the NMLS within 7 calendar days.


This mortgage training course is offered in two separate tracks, the accelerated 5-day course, or the extended 14-day course. These tracks allow both MEC and you, the student, to remain compliant with NMLS regulations by taking and completing the course within a specific start and end date. Please select a course track before adding the course to your cart. Courses begin weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, depending on your selected track. You must complete the course within the allotted time period or your course will have to be reset and you will start from the beginning. A $75 reload fee is required to restart your class, or to change tracks. If you change tracks you will be required to restart the course from the beginning.



Meet Your Instructor: David Luna

David Luna is the President of Mortgage Educators & Compliance and has more than 35 years of experience in the mortgage lending industry. With an unmatched sense of wit, a natural flair for teaching, and a well of knowledge from decades in the industry, David is the best the mortgage education industry has to offer! 

David has been a consultant for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as well as several large banks. David has made appearances on NBC, CBS, and ABC as well as been featured in Mortgage Technology Magazine, National Mortgage Press, and dozens of newspaper publications. David has also been named one of the 2020 50 Most Connected Mortgage Professionals by Mortgage News Network.


NMLS SAFE 20 Hour Pre-License Course Outline

Chapter 1: Becoming an MLO

This chapter covers the basics of becoming a mortgage loan originator and presents a brief history of the industry to help new students better understand the mortgage industry. Also introduced in this chapter is prohibited MLO conduct and possible disciplinary action.


Chapter 2: Learning the Products and the Programs

This chapter covers the major products and programs available in the mortgage market today, definitions of basic terminology associated with the mortgage products and programs, as well as products and programs that work for specific types of borrowers.


Chapter 3: Initial Application

This chapter covers the first crucial part of the origination process as specifically for MLOs. This section will help you get the answers that you need to help your borrowers discover their best loan options that they need for their given situation.


Chapter 4: Processing and Underwriting

This chapter will help you to understand the analysis process of a borrower's application, walk you through identifying key laws that govern product and program analysis, appraisals, title reports, and title insurance.


Chapter 5: Closing and Funding

This course chapter will help you to identify the role of the settlement agent/closing agent, relate the process for funding, understand the documents in the mortgage closing process, and apply the mortgage math processes to actual mortgage scenarios.


Chapter 6: Mortgage Ethics

This chapter will help you understand the idea of ethics, identify major fraud schemes, UDAAPS, describe ways to ensure fair lending and restate prohibited practices in origination.


End of Course Assessment

Take the final two case studies of the course, and the 25 question End of Course Assessment will test your understanding of the course.