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Ultimate Test Prep Package - SAFE MLO Test Preparation Package (Includes Test Reimbursement Guarantee and MEC Pass+ App)

Prepare to pass the NMLS National Exam with our new Test Prep Ultimate Study Package.
Includes MEC Pass+ App mobile access - on Google Play or App Store.
SAFE MLO Test Prep NMLS Test Prep
Discount $-20.00
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National Test Prep Ultimate Package - With Videos

Includes MEC's Test Reimbursement Guarantee 

To help prepare you to successfully pass the NMLS national exam with USC, Mortgage Educators and Compliance has developed an online NMLS Test Prep Course. This course includes:

  • Over 1500 Practice Questions (Broken into 8 Practice National exams and 4 topic specific quizzes of each of the 5 topics on the exam)
  • Over 7 Hours of Topic Specific Videos
  • 8 Practice National Exams (Comprised of 125 practice questions each)
  • Flash Cards
  • Topic Specific Workbooks and Answer Keys
  • Access to our new Pass+ Mobile app (still in beta). 
  • Over 4 Hours of App Exclusive Videos
  • App Exclusive Studying Tools, including the memorization slider and interactive flashcards

To access the Pass+ app just sign in with your same account from our website after downloading MEC Pass+ from the appstore or playstore.

You will be permitted to access the online videos and sample questions for 6 months. Another 6 month extension is granted upon request. We recommend that you watch the course and take the exams as many times as you need to prepare for the national exam. Remember, no NMLS Approved Education Provider knows what exactly will be on your test. We follow the NMLS' content outline they have given us to provide you with a comprehensive Test Prep course to guide and help you prepare for the exam.

Once you sign in you will have access for 6 months, and a 6 month extension can be granted upon request. 

Test Reimbursement Policy:

*By purchasing this product you agree to all the terms and conditions of the MEC Test REIMBURSEMENT Guarantee. A student who purchases this package must watch all Test Prep Ultimate study videos and pass all the practice quizzes/exams with a 80% or better and take the NMLS National exam within 30 calendar days of completing the test prep to qualify for the guarantee. $110 will be refunded back to the student within 45 calendar days after proof of a failing score is sent to MEC. Only one refund per purchase. Refund submission process must begin within 90 days of failed test.