Standard Test Prep - NMLS National Test Preparation Course
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Standard Test Prep - NMLS National Test Preparation Course

Prepare to pass the NMLS National Exam with our new online Test Prep study course.
SAFE MLO Test Prep NMLS Test Prep
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NATIONAL EXAM WITH USC (Uniform State Content) STANDARD TEST PREP COURSE (Included with our 20 Hour Course)

To help prepare you to successfully pass the NMLS national exam with USC (Uniform state content), Mortgage Educators and Compliance has developed an online NMLS Test Prep Course. This course consists of the following:

  • Topic Specific study guides and presentations
  • 3-hour video: 20 hour summary/refresher
  • 2 Practice National Exams with additional topic specific quizzes
  • Over 300 questions of practice exams and quizzes

You will be permitted to access the online video and sample questions for 6 months. Another 6 month extension is granted upon request. We recommend that you watch the course and take the exam as many times as you need to prepare for the national exam. Taking the exams multiple times will help ensure that you have been exposed to the most material possible.